RAT ANTI MOUSE CD169 (MCA947) 製品に関するお問い合わせは、こちらのフォームをご利用ください。

販売元 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
製品タイプ Antibody - Monoclonal
Published customer image:
AlexaFluor®647 conjugated Rat anti Mouse CD169 antibody, clone MOMA-1 used to demonstrate marginal zone metallophils by immunofluorescence.
Image caption:
DCIR2+ cDCs migrate from the marginal zone bridging channel to the T cell zone after immunization. Spleens from BALB/c mice (n窶・窶・ per time point) immunized with 250窶・mu;g IgE anti-OVA pre-mixed with 100窶・mu;g OVA or with 100窶・mu;g OVA alone were harvested after 0.5, 4, 8, 24, or 48窶栄. One unimmunized mouse (Nil) was used as control. (a窶徒) Half of each spleen was snap-frozen and non-consecutive spleen sections were stained and analyzed by confocal microscopy. Localization of DCIR2+ cDCs in spleens harvested at indicated time points after immunization was followed. B220+ B cells, blue; CD169+ metallophilic macrophages, grey; DCIR2+ cDCs, red. Marginal zone bridging channels are indicated with arrows in (a,g). Images show representative areas (640窶・mu;m窶嘉冷€・40窶・mu;m) of 3窶・窶欝 cell zones from 2 non-consecutive sections of each sample in every group. Scale bar represents 100窶・mu;m. Data represent one experiment where mice were immunized with IgE-OVA or OVA alone and one where they were immunized with IgE-OVA. (l) The other halves of the spleens from mice immunized with IgE-OVA complexes in (a窶兎) were prepared into single cell suspensions and 6窶嘉冷€・05 cells were used as APCs in co-cultures with 105 CFSE-labeled CD4+ T cells isolated from DO11.10 splenocytes. Percentages of divided cells among OVA-specific CD4+ T cells after incubation for 3 days with APCs taken from an unimmunized mouse (Nil) or from mice immunized with IgE-OVA complexes are quantified by flow cytometry as shown in Fig. 3. CD4+ T cells cultured alone were used as negative control. Each circle represents one mouse and the lines represent the mean values.

From: Ding Z, Dahlin JS, Xu H, Heyman B.
IgE-mediated enhancement of CD4(+) T cell responses requires antigen presentation by CD8α(-) conventional dendritic cells.
Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 16;6:28290.

ラット抗マウスCD169、クローンMOMA-1は、sialoadhesinまたはSiglec-1としても知られるマウスCD169を認識します。 CD169は、脾臓の辺縁帯の金属親和性物質、リンパ節の被膜下マクロファージ、骨髄の間質マクロファージなど、特定のマクロファージ集団によって発現されるレクチン様受容体です(Morris et al.1991)。

CD169は、17の免疫グロブリン様ドメインを含む約185 kDaのシアル酸結合受容体です(Crocker et al.1992)。 CD169の発現は、培養中のマクロファージで血清因子によって誘導され、サイトカイン曝露によってさらに調節されます(McWilliam et al.1992)。

ラット抗マウスCD169、クローンMOMA-1は、特定のマクロファージ集団のin vivoでの枯渇に使用されています(Kraal et al.1988)。
価格 販売終了
カタログ番号 MCA947
容量 2 ml
用途 Snap Frozen, Acetone Fixed Immunohistological Sections, Immunofluorescence
フォーマット / 標識 S/N
交差性 Mouse
クローン MOMA-1
免疫動物 Rat
詳細情報 製品詳細情報はこちらをクリック(論文情報、その他の画像データなど)






バイオ・ラッド ラボラトリーズ株式会社
住所:〒140-0002 東京都品川区東品川2-2-24 天王洲セントラルタワー20F






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